Private, In-Home Subject Tutoring
Per Session
(50 Minutes)
Student Data Collection, Assessment Review, and
Written Learning Plan for students with special needs
Summer Enrichment Courses
(small groups, in-person; fees reflect cost per student):
Algebra I Review/Algebra II Preview
(for upcoming Algebra II students)
Geometry Preview
Calculus Preview
Chemistry Preview
Freshman Algebra 1
PreCalculus Preview
Biology Preview
Physics Preview
Summer Reading and Writing Development Workshop
College Transition Program (online)
Per college semester
(50% of the fee due before the first day college classes begin; the final 50% due before the 6th week of classes)
20-30 minute online sessions, 6 days per week (M-Sat) which include:
- Academic Coaching - time management and organizational assistance, goal setting, note-taking recommendations, study and compensatory strategies, school accommodation advocacy, on-campus resource linking
- Writing Development - assistance with the college paper writing process: brainstorming, prewriting and organizing outlines, proofreading, editing
- Subject Tutoring in first-year college courses: sciences, mathematics, psychology
Extra tutoring sessions available upon request for an additional $80 per 50 minutes.